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      Playing an instrument should be EASY to communicate with the audience through MUSIC. But learning and implementing ideas into the music is clearly a challenging process. Most of the foundation of instrumental techniques is established in the beginning years, and younger is better. Today is the most youthful day of your life, and we are here for you! 

We can help you to make your musical life healthy and gratifying! 

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"Everyone has an artistic mind. Only consistent one achieves to be an artist."

Eun Seo Park

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"I believe in the importance of diversity and inclusion in music. The reason to be passionate about music."

Dominic K. Na

The Parkna Studio

lesson, ensemble, recording, consulting, recital, workshop, and more


Eun Seo Park, Founder & Director of ParkNA Studio
Dominic K. Na, Cellist, Co-founder, Creative Artist, Producer, Educator
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